Frosted agapanthus seed head.

Natural Sparkle

Because it’s almost Christmas, I thought I’d post some slightly sparkly frost photographs. They go to show that nature can be festive when she likes!

Last Christmas, I woke up to a frosty morning and was able to get outside and spend a bit of time taking photographs of a softly shimmering world.

This year we had a cold period much earlier in the month and I took these photographs then. I don’t think I’ll be outside taking photos this year because the forecast is not promising any frost or snow. (I’ll have a lazy morning inside!)

Frosted Fennel Head-3917
Fennel seed head

Seed heads are among the most promising of garden subjects to photograph when they are decorated with ice crystals. For this reason, I don’t cut plants back at the end of autumn. (And, more importantly, really, it gives a better habitat for wildlife and a supply of seeds as food for birds.)

There are several seed heads that I particularly want to stay intact until the frost arrives – agapanthus, fennel, allium and daucus (wild carrot) – because they have the most interesting structures and look at their best when frosted.

Allium seed head

The arrival of frost is one of the times I most enjoy garden photography. With luck, there will be a moment when the sun comes out. Then the frost will glitter and shine, making the garden come alive with exciting new images to photograph. Plants that may have looked quite ordinary before (like the hydrangea below) suddenly acquire a radiance  that makes them irresistible to me and my camera.

I wish you a joyful Christmas, full of fun and sparkle!

Frosted hydrangea-3965
Climbing hydrangea

16 thoughts on “Natural Sparkle”

  1. You’re right that the sparkle is delightful. If we ever get some frost, I’ll take you as my inspiration and head out to try a little of this photography myself. In the meantime, I’ll linger over yours for a bit — it truly is beautiful, and does make the plants look like candy shop confections.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I hope you get some frost at a time when you can take advantage of it for photos – you’ll enjoy it I’m sure! It feels a bit like being in a candy store, just having all those possible pics… 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Beautiful images as always. Almost makes wish it was a little cooler here. Unfortunately for us, when we get the frost, we lose all our plants. Guess I need to just go a little north for a visit. Happy holidays and enjoy your photography taking – hope you get some weather for it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Frost photography is a compensation for having cold winters! Glad we don’t get too much though, or I’d lose plants to it. Happy holidays to you too, and I hope you get a chance to visit somewhere with a bit of frost sometime! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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